Tag Archives: Faster

Making Long-Distance Relocating Faster and Easier

Most people do not like to pack up the house or apartment and get ready for a long-distance relocation. They may be thrilled about the promotion, happy to be going to the opposite coast, or excited to be heading South for warmer weather, but not looking forward to getting everything from point A to point B. There are a few ways to make the experience faster, easier, and much less of a hassle.


Start going through belongings a few months ahead of the move date and sell whatever is not essential. Unless that couch is a family heirloom, sell it. Beds, dining room table and chairs, the lawnmower, clothes you have not worn in years, and even dishes.

Every item sold is one less item to pack. This may take many weekend yard sales so do not wait until the last minute. Keeping only the items with sentimental value, …